Friday, August 10, 2012

According to theAmerican Conservative fathers are becoming extinct in Great Britain

According to theAmerican Conservative fathers are becoming extinct in Great Britain

Britain Abolishes Itself

By Brendan O'Neill, July 30, 2012


Fathers are already disappearing. At the end of May, theNational Health Service, the largest employer in Britain—and the fifth largestin the world—took the decision to excise the six-letter f-word from a pamphleton rearing children that it has been giving to mothers- and fathers-to-be forthe past 14 years. The pamphlet will no longer refer to fathers following acomplaint from one person—yes, that is all it takes to airbrush people fromhistory in modern Britain—who was concerned that such terminology is “notinclusive of people in same-sex relationships.” From now on the pamphlet willrefer to mothers and “partners.” Dads are so 20th century.

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